In this captivating endeavor, we conceived a unique and emotionally resonant logo for KRPL, an Agro-centered firm. The logo stands as a visual representation of a...
In this project, we meticulously crafted the entire brand identity for KRPL, an Agro-focused enterprise renowned for its quality offerings. Through a harmonious collection of stationery...
In this project, we meticulously crafted a concise yet visually captivating press kit for the acclaimed celebrity chef, Abinas Nayak. This kit thoughtfully encapsulated the chef’s...
In this influential initiative, we developed a persuasive app promotion strategy with the goal of transforming the livelihoods of Indian farmers. Our aim was to construct...
Our team wanted to incorporate the Initials of the Brand along with the Boiler. We started with the basic concept sketching and sorting the color scheme...